I see carts everywhere! How did all these people get carts? Here are the facts, and the rules. - Frost Creek
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I see carts everywhere! How did all these people get carts? Here are the facts, and the rules.

I see carts everywhere! How did all these people get carts? Here are the facts, and the rules.

You must be 16 years old to operate a golf cart or golf scooter on the golf course or in the community.

Golf Course Carts

Frost Creek owns a fleet of 64 2-seater carts and 6 4-seater carts.  These are used specifically for daily golf rounds.  During the summer we’ll go through the entire fleet almost every day so it’s important they are only used immediately prior to a golf round and then returned to the cart circle as the round is over so we can flip them for the afternoon tee times.  At the discretion of the golf shop, based on availability, we are happy to rent them out for either ½ or all day for non-golf use. They must be returned to the clubhouse by “just before dark”.  Enquire in the golf shop for availability and pricing.

Golf Course Scooters

Frost Creek just purchased 4 scooters for our fleet.  Additionally, there are 8 privately owned scooters cruising around.  The scooters are meant for the golf course and are first come first served on a daily basis.  The same rules apply when on the course as carts, so please don’t take them any closer to the greens or tees than you would a cart. After your round please return them to the cart circle so they are available for other members to use on the course.

Cabin Carts

The original five cabins (Bluebells, Buttercup, Columbine, Larkspur, Primrose) all come with a 2-seater cart and the three newer lock-off cabins (Sage, Shooting Star, Yarrow) and the three brand new Hunter’s View cabins (Juniper, Oak, Pinyon) have 4-seater carts.  These carts are meant for cabin guests to use as they wish while staying in a cabin.  Cabin guests can take them golfing, fishing, just cruising around the neighborhood; they are the guests from check-in to check-out from the cabins.  Each of the cabin carts has a blue placard with the cabin name in the window sleeve.  When at the clubhouse please park them in a parking spot in the lots or park them in the cart circle. Please only use the 1 cart allocated to your cabin, don’t take your neighbors cart. For Sage, Shooting Star and Yarrow the group that has the master (A) unit gets the cart.  None of the smaller lock off rooms have a cart at their disposal.

Private Carts

Golf carts that are not leased directly from the club are not allowed in the community.  Frost Creek allows homeowners to lease carts from the club that are identical to our fleet.  These “private” leased carts belong to the homeowner and are stored and charged in their garages.  Currently there are 13 homeowners with private carts.  These homeowners can use these carts in the community on the roads, on the golf course, to come to the club to eat or work out, just like their car.  These carts are identifiable by the yellow placard with the homeowner’s name in the window sleeve. When at the clubhouse please park them in a parking spot in the lots or park them in the cart circle.

This information is to clarify what’s out there and what the uses are.  So, if you see a cart with a blue or yellow placard down at the fishing ponds or parked in someone’s driveway that is appropriate.  We don’t want you to assume all carts are just fair game and since you saw some at so and so’s house you should grab one from the cart circle for the day.  Remember the carts at the club are for the golfers and we need them either on the course or at the clubhouse.

Frost Creek does have a liquor license that covers the clubhouse, pool, and the golf course.  So, we ask if you have a private cart or cabin cart, please don’t fill your coolers at home with your own alcohol and head out to the course.  That is just like bringing your 6 pack into a restaurant.  (Which isn’t that cool, in case you were wondering)

It’s great cruising around the course or the community in your golf cart.  I do want to mention golf carts are not toys and most of the serious injuries I’ve seen around golf clubs have been directly related to golf cart accidents.  Click on the link below as a cautionary tale.


Thanks, and here’s to a wonderful summer!