31 May June 1 – Golf Update COVID19
June 1, 2020 – COVID Golf Update –
We are appreciative of your patience throughout the opening of the course this spring and the adjustments necessary to keep golf safe for you, your guests and our staff. We feel fortunate that Eagle County has moved to the Blue Square (Phase 2) of its COVID Trail Map and that has allowed us to welcome you into the Clubhouse, Locker Rooms, Restaurant and Pool. Other amenities and activities will follow as we enter phase 3 in the coming weeks.
I want to share with you that as our county moves a bit ahead of other places in the country, we find ourselves in a bit of gray area between the national recommendations for golf ops, Governor’s state requirements and County Health Order and are doing out best to offer you the safest experience with top service that we can within all guidelines. As the President for the Colorado PGA Section, I have sat in numerous conference calls regarding the safety adjustments, policies and procedures both on a state and national level. Secondarily, we formed a task force here locally as the 11 Golf Professionals of the Vail Valley to collectively consult with Eagle County Health Services regarding our operations throughout the transition this summer.
As of June 1st, we will make the following updates to prior policy adjustments:
- Golf Carts will remain up front by the eagle, still no bag storage until phase 3.
- Return to our normal member-guest policies for golf, allowing members to bring multi-tee time groups as well as unaccompanied guest play after 12:00.
- We will still offer/encourage single riders in carts but not “required” as it was in phase 1.
- Driving Range is officially open for practice sessions, please still maintain physical distance from others not in your party.
- Golf Shop open 30 minutes prior to first tee time.
- 8:00 first tee time through June 5
- 7:30 first tee time beginning June 6
We are doing our best to balance the safety procedures of our various departments as we move through our re-opening to make your next visit as enjoyable as possible.
Please feel free to email Ben at bwelsh@frostcreek.com or call the golf shop with any questions or booking requests.