05 Aug Frost Creek App
Frost Creek has an interactive App to make it easier for you to keep track of all things club related in one easy place on your phone. Before you get started you’re going to want the username and password you use for our Member Website. If you haven’t registered for the website yet please email Carrie at cgeddes@frostcreek.com and she’ll help you get set up.
Go to the App store on your phone and search for “Clubhouse Online” by Gary Jonas Computing. Load the app, accept push notifications and then you are ready to log in. Choose Frost Creek (clubs are sorted alphabetically) from the drop down club menu. Then enter the username and password you use for our website.
On the App, “Tee times” allows you to make and view tee times. “Events” allows you to filter events you are interested in, sign up and view your upcoming events, as well as tee times. “News Feed” is where we’ve been putting all of the articles that you link to in our weekly emails. It’s where I posted this article. The Roster and Statements are pretty self explanatory. When there is something really important to share I’ll push a notification out on the App, so it’s important you accept push notifications when setting it up. Play around with it as there is quite a bit of functionality. We’re happy to provide all this information in the palm of your hand!