01 Jun Parent/Child Golf Instruction
Learn together, play together!
Share your passion for golf with you kids while they learn proper technique from our pros. Golfers looking to play together and have FUN with their family, this is the place!
Email to register: David Havens at davidhavensgolf@gmail.com
Date: Tuesdays in June
Time: 4:30-5:30PM
Price: $125 per parent/child
Class Size: 10 total students
Schedule: June 16th – Full Swing/ Driving Range
June 23rd – Short Game/Wedge Range
June 30th – Putting/Practice Putting Green
- Frost Creek Golf Academy (FCGA) schedule of events and timing subject to change
- Due to Covid-19, safety protocols will be in place requiring students to have their own clubs
- The maximum ratio of students to instructor will be 6:1