02 Jun Preparing Our Turf For Summer Stress
Preparing Our Turf For Summer Stress
People often ask us why we don’t speed the greens up early in the season. A simple explanation is that we are trying to grow our greens surfaces in density and root mass. The summer months in Colorado’s arid climate are very stressful to Creeping Bentgrass that is mowed at .110” or lower. Encouraging density in the canopy and deep roots helps the Bentgrass outcompete Poa Annua, and also adds a great amount of drought tolerance. These benefits are what allow us to push our greens to a further limit and provide our members with fast, smooth playing surfaces. I’m happy to show everyone that our roots are deep, healthy and ready for a great golf season!
The bentgrass roots on #6 green are at 5.75” and growing!